
When I was a kid, I remember reading about the wonders of leverage. One of the things that stuck in my head was a drawing of a man using a long pole, placed under a large boulder, and a log under the pole acting as a fulcrum. And by using leverage, the man could lift/move the boulder as if he were several times stronger. I think it was Archimedes who said, “Give me a long enough pole, and I could move the Earth.” …or something to that effect. When I was in Aikido, they often cited the concept of proper alignment with the Earth during execution of a technique, giving one immense power. We all know that it’s easier to carry a heavy box closer to one’s body, rather than holding it with one’s arms extended outward. In earlier notes, I mentioned my feelings about proper shifting of your center-of-gravity to lend more power into your punches and kicks. All of these methods are about properly aligning oneself to maximize help from the huge advantage that gravity can give you.

But the advantages of proper alignment exist everywhere and in everything. If you’re surfing the big (or small waves), it would really be dumb to try to stand on the board and to surf in the opposite direction that the waves are coming from. If you time it right and align yourself in the correct direction, you sort of become one with the wave and enjoy the immense surge of power that races you towards the shore. Paddling out a quarter mile takes time and much effort, since you’re utilizing only the power of your own puny arms… riding in is fast and exhilarating, because you’re riding on wave-power. The same is true of wind-surfing, or sailing, or para-gliding, where proper alignment with the wind currents is the key. And this principle is true everywhere you look.

I won’t go into it with regard to karate, since, I often talk about the need for proper posture and alignment when executing karate techniques. The point is that proper alignment is so very important in life…none more so than in a spiritual sense. Without some kind of alignment with the Lord, one’s life can often seem like a battling a series of swells, or being tossed around by choppy seas, blown in different directions, or even swimming against the current. So please take some time to pray and listen for the direction He has for you, then align yourself and shove off… it can truly be an awesome and exhilarating ride.

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