Mr. Miyagi’s Comment on Belts, “Canvas, JC Penny. Three-Ninety Eight. You Like?

Recently, we completed a rank examination for HISKF – the first testing in almost a year.  Most dojos hold exams every 3-4 months while HISKF tests every 9 months or more.  Partly, this reflects the fact that most of our members only get to train once a week, while students in a regular dojo train three times or more a week.  As a result, both the learning process and the exam schedule become stretched out.  Fortunately, our members strive to improve their knowledge and ability in Karate-Do in the midst of a busy life, filled with many activities.  I like to think that HISKF students are not obsessed with ranks, tournaments, or trophies. That said, we know that most students (especially our younger members) quietly relish being promoted to a higher rank, especially if it involves a new color belt.  They may not realize that In the old days judo and karate adherents trained so very hard, often on a daily basis, when there were no color belts nor any black belts to achieve and wear!  Some ancient Japanese martial arts used a shodan/chudan/jodan rank system; others used the menkyo or license system.  Master Jigoro Kano issued the first judo [...]

I Wish I Could Have Attended His Seminar

Over the years, I’ve attended seminars given by various Shotokan Karate-Do and Aikido masters. Every one was so knowledgeable and I always learned something new. I especially enjoyed and was amazed by those given by the late Tetsuhiko Asai as well as the late Koichi Tohei (Aikido). Beyond their amazing expertise and knowledge, each master was gracious and seemed happy to share their wisdom with the attendees. Recently, I came across a video of a 2013 demonstration that was given by the late Shito-Ryu Master Yoshimi Inoue. I was immediately taken by the concepts about body movement that he shared with a group of black belts in Italy. Shito-Ryu is a close cousin of the Shotokan system and his techniques will be readily recognizable to you. His ideas resonated with me since they are similar to much of what I believe – though he demonstrates and articulates them far better than I can. You may not be able to replicate his flexibility, control, and speed; however, gaining some insight into this approach to basic technique and movement can be invaluable towards understanding how you can continue to improve your own techniques in the future. This clip is from a seminar [...]


Speaking of exams, remember that I once mentioned that the very first time I saw karate in person, I was watching two “white belts” (actually two brown belts from other schools testing for rank in the KAH) taking an exam and being blown away by their “beginner skills”?  The fellow who invited me to watch was my good friend’s older brother; a KAH black belt named Dennis.  Separately, he had gotten Sensei Wayne interested in joining and you all know that, in turn, I persuaded Sensei Peter to join up with me.  Dennis also had interested my old SKC partner Sensei Paul along with a large number of other UH students (mostly from Pearl City and Waipahu) to give it a try.  I guess he was a natural karate recruiter, planting the seed of interest among our friends and many subsequently joined.  Later, Dennis graduated from UH, received his commission into the U.S. Army, and left for his assignment; never returning to regular training.  While his karate experience ended after 4-5 years, Dennis did leave a lasting legacy…us, haha. , Over fifty years later, we four old-time karateka that he talked into joining, are still involved in the art. Anyways, [...]